Forecasting for the Pharmaceutical Industry: Models for New Product And In-market Forecasting And How to Use Them
Publisher: Gower Publishing Company; 1 edition (November 18, 2006) | ISBN: 0566086751 | Pages: 141 | PDF | 10,42 MB
In virtually every decision, a pharmaceutical executive considers some type of forecast. This process of predicting the future is crucial to many aspects of the company - from next month's production schedule, to market estimates for drugs in the next decade. The pharmaceutical forecaster needs to strike a delicate balance between over-engineering the forecast - including rafts of data and complex 'black box' equations that few stakeholders understand and even fewer buy into - and an overly simplistic approach that relies too heavily on anecdotal information and opinion. Art Cook's highly pragmatic guide explains the basis of a successful balanced forecast for products in development as well as currently marketed products.