COMLEX Level 2-PE Review Guide
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc; 1 edition (February 26, 2010) | ISBN: 0763776548 | 296 pages | PDF | 1.6 MB
COMLEX Level 2-PE Review Guide is a comprehensive overview for osteopathic medical students preparing for the COMLEX Level 2-PE (Performance Evaluation) examination. COMLEX Level 2-PE Review Guide covers the components of History and Physical Examination found on the COMLEX Level 2-PE: The components of history taking, expected problem specific physical exam based on the chief complaint, incorporation of osteopathic manipulation, instruction on how to develop a differential diagnosis, components of the therapeutic plan, components of the expected humanistic evaluation and documentation guidelines. The final chapter includes case examples providing practice scenarios that allow the students to practice the cases typically encountered on the COMLEX Level 2-PE. These practice cases reduce the stress of the student by allowing them to experience the time constraints encountered during the COMLEX Level 2-PE. This text is a one-of-a-kind resource as the leading COMLEX Level 2-PE board review book. Offers practical suggestions and mnemonics to trigger student memory allowing for completeness of historical data collection. Provides a method of approach that reduces memorization but allows fluidity of the interview and exam process. Organizes the approach to patient interview and examination and provides structure to plan development. Describes the humanistic domain for student understanding of the areas being evaluated.
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